…..her secret is patience.
Ralph Emerson said it best. I sit here next to this beautiful behemoth known as the elephant and I have to reflect on the wisdom and magic of their kind. These beings have been with us for 10 million years; entire civilisations have happened in this time period.

This brings me back to one of many experiences I had while visiting Africa and encountering one of these timeless creatures. We had this guide with us who was a photographer. As you watched him studying his lens and focusing in on these breath-taking shots, you could see how the essence of nature was one of patience. One of waiting for nature to present itself to you, to give you the opportunities and possibilities that only nature could.
As the seasons begin to shift and the people who lack patience leave, the wild becomes truly visible. The soft rains and emerald, green dreamscapes, the birth of innocent baby calves is one of purity and life and the endless rush of herds moving southwards create a breath-taking event.
Seeing a gazelle roll over whilst a group of lion’s patrols nearby; their roars being heard for miles. Zebras that walk with elastic necks stretched skywards. Buffalo who charge into rivers and splash into the distance. The wonder of this ecosystem I have the privilege and wonder to experience is insurmountable. The summer season is the jolt of life that creates this vista of energy and natural beauty. It has to be experienced and most importantly, it requires patience.
This is the perfect season for the person who wants to embody the secret of nature. This lesson of patience is one that has helped me outside of nature and I hope it can help you too. At Wildlifes Escapes we can create an itinerary that will bring these words to life in front of your very eyes.