For a bird’s-eye view of some of Africa’s most extraordinary scenery, it’s well worth splashing out on a soul-stirring helicopter ride, whether you opt for the headline Flight of Angels over Victoria Falls or something more off the beaten track. It’s the only way to access large parts of the Okavango Delta, so you could find yourself landing on an island no one else has set foot on before or skimming low over the ground with the doors off for unrestricted views of the amazing wildlife of the Delta and Moremi Game Reserve. It’s also a superb option in Rwanda; riding high in the sky over the ancient rainforest of Nyungwe National Park, you’ll really appreciate how it sits in the overall landscape of the ‘land of a thousand hills’. Alternatively, you could take to the air in a microlight – a small plane with room for the pilot and a single passenger – for a truly private adventure.