Friday 8th MarchIt is International Women’s Day . There are so many inspirational women, past and present, who have been outspoken wildlife conservationists & animal rights activists in Africa. We honour and celebrate one of these incredible female heroes that have in common the drive, determination, and leadership skills which has allowed them to change the world for the better. This years’s inspirational women has proven that there’s nothing a person can’t accomplish through passion and persistence.
So let’s celebrate these famous wildlife conservationists and influential animal rights activists and join them in taking the movement forward to save our endangered species. In an ever-changing world we need these advocates now more than ever.
Dr Jane Goodall
Internationally recognized chimpanzee expert Dr. Jane Goodall has been studying the great apes in Tanzania’s Gombe Stream National Park and advocating for their protection for 55+ years. A rare female in a scientific field that was dominated by men, Goodall was often criticised early in her career. Experts took issue with her giving names to the Chimpanzees she studied and interacting with them rather than remaining a passive observer of their behavior. And yet her work forever changed our view of apes and mankind’s history.
Dr. Goodall established the Jane Goodall Institute in 1977 to support her Gombe research and help conserve Chimpanzee habitats. The institute is recognized for its innovative educational and community-based programs throughout Africa. Dr. Goodall also uses her knowledge to improve the conditions of lab Chimpanzees and those in zoos. As a United Nations Messenger of Peace, she continues to tour the world on average 300 days a year, educating the public and raising awareness about Chimpanzees.